About me
I was born and raised in San Francisco. My parents immigrated to United States in the 1940's and brought along their love of food and family. Growing up in a large family one thing above all was required of us; without fail we must all sit and have dinner as a family. The memory of those chaotic family meals are indelibly etched into my past. I still can see how the afternoon light poured in from the skylight filling the house with a warm smokey glow. I can still smell my moms cooking, My dad calling us to dinner and the anxiety of whose turn was it to say grace. Food and family wasn't the only corner stone of my young life. When I was twelve I purchased my first camera a used Mamiya/Sekor. The light meter didn't work so I found a old notebook and dutifully logged all my camera settings as I snapped my pictures. Once I saved enough to the develop the film I would be on pins and needles for days to see if the images came out. Now, as a graduate of the Academy of Art in San Francisco with a BFA in Photography I discovered that in some respects I have never left my childhood. I still live with the love of food, family and the excitement of a beautiful photograph that will tell a story.
Josh Alonzo (that's me in the foreground)
Food and Product Photographer, San Francisco USA